Kindgeek Brand

Whether you're a newcomer to Kindgeek or looking to brush up on your knowledge of our brand, you've landed in the perfect spot. This page is your go-to source for all things related to our communication and visual style. It's a one-stop hub to add that unique Kindgeek style to your documents, social media, and texts.

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Let's shine like the northern lights!

Our brand reflects our transformative journey to become a catalyst for positive change among our partners and clients.

years of experience


people in company


technology platforms


projects from referrals


Already done projects


The elements of the Kindgeek brand resonate with our foundational values, which guide everything we do – trust, transparency, social responsibility, and a sense of beauty.
Social responsibility
Social responsibility
Sense of beauty
Sense of beauty


Our original logo has been refined to reflect every bit of the sour and sweet experience we gained over the years, renewed perspective, and bolder business objectives.

Sophisticated in its simplicity, now our logo is constructed proportionately and accompanied by an elegant icon. Three arrows cross the square and form the distinctive logomark. Each of its elements symbolizes special meaning to us as a company.


Logo meaning

“K” in logotype

The first letter of the brand and an arrow symbolizes growth

Triangle in logotype

A triangle represents manifestation, enlightenment revelation, and a higher perspective. It is often used to mark the cycles of growth that lead a higher state of being

Three triangles in logotype
Three triangles

Symbolize three whales on whom the company base: CEO, COO, CTO. There 3 triangles look like arrows that show us development in all directions

Logo structure

The logo is developed from a basic shape which is a square.

It is separated by three equal arrow, farming three identical triangles.

logo structure

In the world of sunsets, we are the Northern lights

The night landscape with polar lights has become our inspiration behind the updated color palette. Like colors unite and form a magnificent natural phenomenon, so our unique path formed who we have become.

Northern lights sparkle with glory and vividly change, inspiring people and lighting the sky. And so do we at Kindgeek - shine bright and advance, fostering a positive change and making a difference.

northen light template
Pantone 3252 C

RGB 0, 191, 191

CMYK 75, 0, 0, 25


Pantone 7487 C

RGB 158, 220, 87

CMYK 24, 0, 52, 14


Pantone Neutral Black C

RGB 25, 25, 25

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 90

HEX #191919

branding example 1
brand icon 1
branding example 2
brand icon 2
branding example 3
brand icon 3
branding example 4
brand icon 4

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